FRAGRANCE | L'Homme À la Rose EDP by Maison Francis Kurkdjian: A rose frag for men who aren't comfortable with rose

halfwhiteboy - MFK L'Homme A la Rose EDP 02

After 2014's À la Rose, then last year's L'eau À la Rose, Francis Kurkdjian follows his line of rose-centric fragrances with an offering geared towards men this time. L'Homme À la Rose is set for release this September 2020 and somehow I managed to secure a bottle ahead of its launch. The presentation is typically all cardboard, and the pull-out box is the same size as Baccarat Rouge 540 and those from his Oud Mood Collection.

The opening is very green with an accompanying bitter citrus note, along with a fresh and airy rose bubbling under. It's neither coniferous, vegetal, herbal, or mossy. It's just different and I can't quite place it. The rose, on the other hand, immediately gains prominence, its brightness livened up further by a dry, somewhat spicy sharpness. It's not a deep and brooding rose, and with the scent almost devoid of any sweetness, it's far from being jammy either. The fragrance starts out strong but remains mostly in the moderate lane for about two or three hours before gradually decreasing in strength.

halfwhiteboy - MFK L'Homme A la Rose EDP 01

L'Homme À la Rose leans on a woody base that's just as dry and sharp, with hints of the greenness in the opening still lingering in the background. It can be a little screechy, however, and instead of complementing the rose, I feel like it's competing with it. Although I really didn't know what to expect of Kurkdjian's take on a masculine rose frag, I was hoping for a bit more of this flower's essence.

Maybe Kurkdjian was gunning for a rose frag that wouldn't scare most guys, employing such green and woody accords to temper the flower's natural scent. I understand that while masculine frags with very prominent rose notes like Amouage Lyric Man and Moschino Toy Boy are relatively well-received, a large chunk of the male population still view rose as feminine. That said, the result feels a little too safe and wanting, especially for those of us who believe that fragrances shouldn't be defined by gender.

Nevertheless, because it's dry and with no sickening sweetness or any rich floral aroma, L'Homme À la Rose scores points for versatility. Warm weather or cold, casual or formal, it's sure to fit right in. The scent itself is also long-lasting, so you won't feel short-changed here. Looking past its lack of rose befitting its name, I do like the fragrance for what it is although I'm not head over heels for it. Whatever your preferences are, it's worth checking out at least.


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